Table plus |
sortColumn | 1 |
columnTypes | S,S,S,I |
Queue | Node Description | Slots |
ANTH | (2) standard memory | 112 |
ARROMA | (8) standard memory | 448 |
AS | (5) mid memory | 280 |
BARNHART | (1) standard memory | 56 |
BIGREDQ | (4) mid memory | 224 |
BIOLOGY | (1) mid memory | 56 |
BIOSTAT | (1) standard memory | 56 |
CCOM | (18) high memory | 1008 |
CCOM-GPU | (2) high memory with P100 | 112 |
CGRER | (10) standard memory | 560 |
CHEMISTRY | (3) mid memory | 168 |
CLAS-INSTR | (1) mid memory | 56 |
CLL | (5) standard memory | 280 |
COE | (8) mid-memory | 448 |
DARBROB | (1) mid memory | 56 |
FLATTE | (2) high memory (3) standard memory | 280 |
FLUIDSLAB | (8) standard memory | 448 |
GV | (2) mid memory | 112 |
HJ | (10) standard nodes (1) high memory with P100 | 616 |
IFC | (10) mid memory | 560 |
IIHG | (1) mid memory | 560 |
INFORMATICS | (12) mid memory | 672 |
INFORMATICS-GPU | (2) mid memory with P100 | 112 |
INFORMATICS-HM | (1) high memory | 56 |
IVR | (4) mid memory (1) high memory | 280 |
IWA | (11) standard memory | 616 |
JM | (2) high memory | 112 |
JP | (2) high memory | 112 |
MANSCI | (1) standard memory | 112 |
MORL | (10) mid memory | 560 |
REX | (4) standard memory | 224 |
REXHI | (1) high memory | 56 |
SB | (4) standard memory | 224 |
UDAY | (4) standard memory | 224 |
UI | (15) mid memory | 840 |
UI-DEVELOP | (1) mid memory (1) mid memory with P100 | 112 |
UI-GPU | (4) mid memory with P100 | 224 |
UI-HM | (3) high memory | 168 |
UI-MPI | (19) mid memory | 1064 |
all.q | (76) standard memory (111) mid memory (7) mid memory with P100 (31) high memory (3) high memory with P100 (1) high memory with K80 | 12824 |
To see which Investor group you are associated with (if any) use the following command:
The above information is useful when you are trying to determine where to submit your job. Each investor queue is only available to members of the respective group. If you are a member of an investor group and your job(s) will fit in the number of slots allocated for that queue then those resources are guaranteed to be available for use to that group. If your job(s) will not fit in the allotment then you have the option of using the University or general queue. It is anticipated that members of an investment group will have their own system for deciding who runs what on their dedicated resources.
The University of Iowa (UI) queue