- Will you need to recompile your code to run on our cluster?
If you are brining code over from another system, you may need to recompile it to work on our systems, especially if you are using MPI (of which we offer a few different varieties). We have some additional notes on compiling here: Compiling Software - What software will your job need, and is it available centrally, or could it be installed in your home directory?
Our list of installed software is here: Software Installations. If you don't see a package you need, please let us know, and if it is broadly applicable to a number of users, we my install it centrally, or we will help install it into your home directory. - Can you estimate how much memory your job will need?
Knowing approximately how many processes you will need or how much memory to request will help ensure you request enough resources to get your job to complete. One way to discover this is to run a small version of the job to see how much memory it uses and then calculate how much it would use if you were to double or triple it in size. We also offer a small sandbox/development queue on each of our HPC clusters that you may submit small jobs to to see how things go, and then tweak your resource requests accordingly.