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That would run the 4 MPI ranks on physical cores and not HT cores. To help insure the binding you can set the SGE core binding strategy to linear. This strategy will bind the next launched process to the next available core. Since HT cores are mapped after all physical cores this will fill the actual cores first. Once the slots cores are used, as they will be because the number of slots is 2x the number of cores, the HT cores would be effectively blocked.
Info |
If the MPI job will run across multiple nodes then add the
Alternatively, specify a more explicit mapping/binding strategy. |
Note that this will work for non-MPI jobs as well. If you have a non-threaded process that you want to ensure runs on an actual core, you could use the same 2x slot request.
If your job does not use the system openmpi, or does not use MPI, then any desired core binding will need to be set up with whatever mechanism the software uses. Otherwise, there will be no core binding. Again, that may not be a major issue. If your job does not work well with HT then run on a number of cores equal to half of the number of slots requested and the OS scheduler will minimize contention.
new SGE utilities
While SoGE is very similar to previous versions of SGE there are some new utilities that people may find of interest. There are manual pages for each of these.