Your data on Neon will only be stored until March 1, 2019. Please be advised that the data being copied from Neon home/scratch to a local machine will have to be decompressed, and may end up being larger than what it showed on on Neon. When copying data from Neon → Argon homes, your storage for your Argon home cannot exceed 1TB of data. Reminder that the inability to submit jobs occurs once the storage quota exceeds 90%. To check your current storage, use the command below:
If you receive a message stating that your home account has reached its quota, and you cannot fill it any farther, you must remove some large files from your home directory. Sometimes, the rm command will fail with a message of "Quota has been reached." If this happens, here is what you can do to correct the issue.
Copy the contents of /dev/null to this file. This will basically make the file a pointer to NULL values with a size of 0.
cp /dev/null name_of_file_to_delete
What to do if the 'rm' command isn't deleting files
When copying large amounts of data from Neon to Argon-nfsscratch, remember that data that is placed there will be cleared 60 days later as part of our cleaning policy. The scratch cleaning policy on neon-nfsscratch will be removed on January 7th so that no data will be removed by that policy prior to the host being decommissioned on March 7.