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Matlab's Parallel Toolbox does not work well if you set a shell preference in your SGE request. If you otherwise use a #$ -S <shell> designation in your SGE qsub scripts, it is best to remove or comment them when submitting parallel Matlab jobs.

This example demonstrates the -nojvm which disables some of Matlab's features in order to start faster and use less memory. This helps maintain the cluster's performance if you have a large batch of jobs which don't require the disabled features.

Code Block
titleSimple Matlab batch job:
# The name of the job:
#$ -N MatlabTest
# Name of the output log file:
#$ -o matjob.log
# Combining output/error messages into one file:
#$ -j y
# Specifying the Queue
#$ -q UI
# One needs to tell the queue system to use the current directory as the working directory
#$ -cwd
# The command(s) to be executed:
matlab -nodisplay -nodesktop -nojvm -r batch
# Note after -r is the name of the routine or function


Submit the job using 'qsub', assuming the name of the submission script is called


Matlab's Parallel Toolbox requires Java, so if your code uses features of the toolbox, you must omit the -nojvm option when invoking matlab, otherwise your code will quit with an uninformative error. You can verify Java is available and otherwise deliberately quit with a helpful error message by adding this command before code which uses a feature requiring Java:


Code Block
titleExample Parallel Job:
# The name of the job:
#$ -N test        ## replace 'test' with job name 
# Name of the output log file:
#$ -o matlabTest_parfor.log
# Combining output/error messages into one file ( change y to n for separate files)
#$ -j y
# Specify the parallel environment (PE) and number of cores to use (8):
#$ -pe smp 8
# One needs to tell the queue system to use the current directory as the working directory
#$ -cwd
# The matlab commands to be executed; replace "test" with your function name. 
# -r imediately runs a function without presenting an interactive prompt
/opt/matlab/R2012b/bin/matlab -nodisplay -nodesktop -nosplash -r parafor-test
