Versions Compared


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titlemodule avail python
module -r avail ^python

------------------------------------------------------- /opt/modules --------------------------------------------------------
   python/2.7.13_parallel_studio-2017.1                  python/2.7.15
   python/2.7.13                                         python/3.5.3_parallel_studio-2017.1
   python/2.7.14_openmpi-2.0.1_parallel_studio-2017.1    python/3.5.3
   python/2.7.14_openmpi-2.0.1                           python/3.6.4_openmpi-2.1.2_parallel_studio-2017.4
   python/2.7.14_openmpi-2.1.2_parallel_studio-2017.4    python/3.6.4_openmpi-2.1.2
   python/2.7.14_openmpi-2.1.2                           python/3.6.4_parallel_studio-2017.4
   python/2.7.14_parallel_studio-2017.1                  python/3.6.4
   python/2.7.14_parallel_studio-2017.4                  python/3.7.0_openmpi-2.1.2_parallel_studio-2017.4
   python/2.7.14                                         python/3.7.0_openmpi-2.1.2
   python/2.7.15_openmpi-2.1.2_parallel_studio-2017.4    python/3.7.0_parallel_studio-2017.4
   python/2.7.15_openmpi-2.1.2                           python/3.7.0                                      (D)

   D:  Default Module

Use "module spider" to find all possible modules.
Use "module keyword key1 key2 ..." to search for all possible modules matching any of the "keys".

Loading modules

No Format
module load python/3.6.4


No Format
[gpjohnsn@argon-login-2 ~]$ module load python/2.7.15
[gpjohnsn@argon-login-2 ~]$ module list

Currently Loaded Modules:
  1) bzip2/1.0.6         9) fontconfig/2.12.1  17) ncurses/6.0               25) grib_api/1.19.0  33) pcre/8.40
  2) glib/2.51.1        10) freetype/2.7.1     18) instantclient/  26) hdf5/1.8.18      34) proj/4.9.3
  3) pkg-config/0.29.1  11) cfitsio/3.410      19) jasper/1.900.1            27) jpeg/9b          35) readline/7.0
  4) snappy/1.1.4       12) curl/7.52.1        20) libgeotiff/1.4.2          28) libffi/3.2.1     36) sqlite/3.16.2
  5) c-blosc/1.11.2     13) szip/2.1.1         21) libiconv/1.15             29) libpng/1.6.28    37) tiff/4.0.7
  6) expat/2.2.0        14) hdf/4.2.12         22) unixODBC/2.3.4            30) lzo/2.09         38) zeromq/4.2.5
  7) xz/5.2.3           15) jdk/8u121          23) gdal/2.1.3                31) netcdf/   39) zlib/1.2.11
  8) libxml2/2.9.4      16) libaio/0.3.111     24) geos/3.6.1                32) openjpeg/2.1.2   40) python/2.7.15

[gpjohnsn@argon-login-2 ~]$ module swap python/2.7.15 python/3.6.4
[gpjohnsn@argon-login-2 ~]$ module list

Currently Loaded Modules:
  1) bzip2/1.0.6         9) fontconfig/2.12.1  17) ncurses/6.0               25) grib_api/1.19.0  33) pcre/8.40
  2) glib/2.51.1        10) freetype/2.7.1     18) instantclient/  26) hdf5/1.8.18      34) proj/4.9.3
  3) pkg-config/0.29.1  11) cfitsio/3.410      19) jasper/1.900.1            27) jpeg/9b          35) readline/7.0
  4) snappy/1.1.4       12) curl/7.52.1        20) libgeotiff/1.4.2          28) libffi/3.2.1     36) sqlite/3.16.2
  5) c-blosc/1.11.2     13) szip/2.1.1         21) libiconv/1.15             29) libpng/1.6.28    37) tiff/4.0.7
  6) expat/2.2.0        14) hdf/4.2.12         22) unixODBC/2.3.4            30) lzo/2.09         38) zeromq/4.2.5
  7) xz/5.2.3           15) jdk/8u121          23) gdal/2.1.3                31) netcdf/   39) zlib/1.2.11
  8) libxml2/2.9.4      16) libaio/0.3.111     24) geos/3.6.1                32) openjpeg/2.1.2   40) python/3.6.4

Unloading modules

No Format
[gpjohnsn@neon-login-0-1 ~]$ module unload python/3.6.4


Writing your own module files is not covered here but they are not that difficult to create. If there is some environment variable that should be set for a software package that we missed please send a note to

Using environment modules with SGE jobs and qlogin

For qsub jobs, if you have not overridden the default SGE parameters then the entire environment is passed to the job. This is because the -V qsub flag is set in the default request. Since environment modules set up the environment then the environment set up by the modules will be passed. Since the list of the loaded modules is also part of the environment then the list of loaded modules will be passed as well. However, the above does not apply to qlogin sessions as that creates a fresh environment. See the Qlogin for Interactive Sessions - HPC Documentation - UIowa Wiki page for more information.
