The first step in accessing Bridges-2 is to request an XSEDE account.
The XSEDE's Single Sign On (SSO) login hub, login.xsede.org
, is a single point-of-entry to the XSEDE cyberinfrastructure. Upon logging into the hub with your XSEDE User Portal (XUP) username and password, a 12 hour proxy certificate is automatically generated, allowing you to access XSEDE resources for the duration of the proxy. You may then gsissh
to any XSEDE compute resource where you have an account without the need for a resource-specific username and password.
4. SSH into the Single Sign-On (SSO) Login Hub
localhost$ ssh -l XUPusername login.xsede.org
Once Connected, use gsissh to connect to Bridges.
Use ssh to connect to Bridges-2 using XSEDE credentials and DUO MFA
Using your ssh client, use your XSEDE credentials and connect to hostname bridges2.psc.edu using port 2222.
ssh -p 2222 xsede-username@bridges2.psc.edu
Enter your XSEDE password when prompted.
If you are registered with XSEDE DUO, you will receive a prompt on your device. Once you have approved it, you will be logged in
You will be met with a similar output if the connection was successful:
Once connected, follow the instructions listed on the Commands to access and create a three node Hadoop cluster wiki page to start working within the Hadoop environment.