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In this page:


    • To download a file, check the box next to it. Click More, then Export. Enter a name for the downloaded file, then click Download.
    • To download a folder, check the box next to it. Click More, then Export. Enter a name for the downloaded file, then click Download. The folder will be downloaded as a .zip file.
    • To download multiple files and folders, check the boxes next to those files and folders. Click More, then Export. Enter a name for the downloaded file, then click Download. They will be downloaded as a .zip file.


Switching to Jupyter Notebooks from RStudio

To access the Jupyter Hub page and use your notebooks, from your RStudio session, change the end of the URL to "tree".



Downloading Data from IDAS to Your Computer

There are a couple of options to get data from your IDAS account to your computer:

1. Compress the files you want to download, and then download the compressed file using the web interface of IDAS (see the section below)

2. For IDAS research users:

  • If you have an Argon account or Large Scale Storage (LSS) shares, you can mount them when you spawn an IDAS research instance. This option allows you to access data in your Argon home or LSS shares while you work in IDAS. You can also move files from your IDAS home drive to your Argon home or LSS shares.
  • For more information about how to mount Argon home and LSS shares in IDAS, please see step 6 in Accessing IDAS for Research Use

Downloading Data Using the Web Interface

Follow the steps below to download data from your IDAS home drive to your computer, using the web interface of IDAS:

1. Log in to the IDAS research instance if you have a research account. If you are a student in a class that uses IDAS, follow the instructions here to access your class instance.

2. Start a Terminal session:

  • If you are using Jupyter Notebook, click "New" in the upper right section of the Jupyter Hub tree page, then choose "Terminal:

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  • If you are using RStudio, click on the "Terminal" tab, which is next to the "Console" tab in RStudio:

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3. In Terminal, use "zip" to compress the file(s) and/or directories that you want to download. This can take a few minutes, especially if you are compressing a lot of files. Here are some examples for using "zip":

No Format
# compress all files in the "mydir" directory
zip -r mydir

# compress a specific file in the current directory
zip myfile.csv
  • In the "zip" command, the "-r" option means including all files in a directory.
  • For more information about the "zip" command, please type in Terminal: "zip --help"

4. After the commands finish running in Terminal, a file called "" will be available in your current directory.

  • If you are using Jupyter Notebook, you can find the "" file in your Jupyter Hub tree page, like in this partial screenshot:

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  • If you are using RStudio, you can find the "" file in the "Files" tab in RStudio, like in this partial screenshot:

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5. Download the "" file to your computer:

  • In Jupyter Notebook, check the box in front of the "" file and click "Download":

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  • In RStudio, check the box in front of the "" file and click "More", then "Export":

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6. Then you can use a free software such as 7-zip to extract the files in "" to a location on your computer.

IDAS Home Drives

On IDAS, each research user gets 100GB for storage in their home drive. To check how much you have used:

  • Go to the Jupyter Hub tree page (please fill in your HawkID): 


  • In the top right corner of your IDAS tree page, click New >> Terminal

  • In Terminal, type df -h $HOME. In the example below, 26GB out of 100GB has been used and 75GB is available:          
