Table of Contents
This article outlines Below are some basic ways to install packages in Python, R, and Juliadetails about installing R packages in IDAS. We also strongly recommend using tools like conda and Python virtual environments in IDAS to manage your projects.
Installing R Packages in IDAS - The Basics
To install R packages in IDAS, use the install.packages()
function. For example, you can run the following code in the Console tab in RStudio, in an R script file, or in a Jupyter Notebook:
6. Finally, use .libPaths() again to double check the library paths. The In the screenshot below, the user library path has been changed to the 4.2 folder. The system library path has not been changed:
The system library contains packages that are installed by IDAS systems administrators. These packages are available to all IDAS users. In most cases, IDAS users will do not have permissions to install R packages to the system library.
For Class Instructors - Installing R Packages for All Students in the Class
The instructor of a class may request to have permissions to install R packages to the global library for their class. Packages installed in the global library for that class will be available to all students enrolled in the class.
The instructor also has their own user library. Please see the sections on R Library Paths in IDAS above.
Important: Sometimes a package that is installed in the global library might pull use dependencies from the instructor's personal library. In that case, the students might have trouble loading the package even though it looks like it’s the package is already installed in the global library. Therefore, instructors please make sure that you install all packages in the global library so all dependencies are in available there for students.
You can check which packages are installed in the global library by typing the following in the Terminal (next to the Console tab in RStudio):
Code Block |
ls -a ~/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/4.2 |
If you have any questions or comments, please contact ITS - Research Services at research-computing@uiowa.edu.