The software list is now maintained at |
Note | ||
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This list may contain software not yet available on NEON. If you wish to request software, email |
Software that is packaged as an RPM package from a vendor is installed in either the default RHEL directories or in the vendor specified directory tree. Software that is installed/packaged by us is typically installed in /opt. Most of the special purpose programs are installed in /opt. The following list reflects the directory structure of the /opt directory where the programs are located:
- afni
- Ansys
- bio
- autodocksuite
- clustalw
- fasta
- glimmer
- gmap
- gromacs
- hmmer
- mpiblast
- mrbayes
- ncbi
- phylip
- tcoffee
- tigr
- birndg
- blat
- brains2
- BRAINSLesion_Linux32_20090325
- CASAVA_v1.8.2
- chkrootkit
- cmake-2.8.3-Linux-i386
- cmake-2.8.4-Linux-i386
- confuse
- crossbow-1.0.4
- crystal09
- cufflinks-1.0.3.Linux_x86_64
- dicom3tools
- fftw2
- fips
- freesurfer_v4.5.0-full
- fsl
- g09
- git
- gmp-5.0.1
- hmmer-3
- ImageJ
- infernal
- intel
- Compiler-11.1
- ictce-
- imb-3.2.1
- impi-
- itac-
- mkl-
- iozone
- iperf
- java3d-1_5_2
- java_1.7.0
- kent
- lamp
- mcl
- merlin
- metis-4.0
- mpfr-3.0.0
- netcdf
- NWChem
- openmpi
- orca
- ortheus
- petcorr_worsley
- plink-1.07-x86_64
- Python-2.6.4
- Python-2.7.3
- qtsdk-2010.05
- R
- 2.8.0
- 2.10.1
- 2.11.1
- rc1brains2_20100618
- rsl-v1.40
- samtools
- Slicer3-3.4.2-2010-01-06-linux-x86_64
- stream
- toolworks
- totalview.8.8.0-1
- turbomole63
- valgrind
- ViennaRNA