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Matlab is currently available for use centrally. One may use the Matlab environment by loading the appropriate module: 


A batch or serial job is generally run on a single node. The following is a very simple example of a non-parallel batch job using Matlab functions.  

Code Block
titleSimple Matlab batch job:




# The name of the job:


#$ -N MatlabTest


# Name of the output log file:


#$ -o matjob.log


# Combining output/error messages into one file:


#$ -j y


# Specifying the Queue


#$ -q UI


# One needs to tell the queue system to use the current directory as the working directory


#$ -cwd


# The command(s) to be executed:


matlab -nodisplay -nodesktop -nojvm -r batch


# Note after -r is the name of the routine or function


exit 0


Here is the Matlab function you are calling from within your job script: 

Code Block
titleMatlab function: batch.m


A = fix(100*rand(5,6));


B = fix(100*rand(6,3));


C = A * B



No Format
 < M A T L A B (R) >
                  Copyright 1984-2012 The MathWorks, Inc.
                    R2012b ( 64-bit (glnxa64)
                              August 22, 2012
To get started, type one of these: helpwin, helpdesk, or demo.
For product information, visit
C =
       12893       12980       15469
       15263       19329       17603
        7885       16894       17448
       14434       20490       27329
        9235       18735       22408


Parallel Matlab Jobs (or "pool jobs")


Submit the job using 'qsub', assuming the name of the submission script is called

Code Block
titleExample Parallel Job:




# The name of the job:


#$ -N


 test        ## replace 'test' with job name


# Name of the output log file:


#$ -o matlabTest_parfor.log


# Combining output/error messages into one file ( change y to n for separate files)


#$ -j y


# Specify the parallel environment (PE) and number of cores to use (8):


#$ -pe smp 8


# One needs to tell the queue system to use the current directory as the working directory


#$ -cwd


# The matlab commands to be executed; replace "test" with your function name. 


# -r imediately runs a function without presenting an interactive prompt


/opt/matlab/R2012b/bin/matlab -nodisplay -nodesktop -nosplash -r parafor-test


exit 0


Within the Matlab script itself, you want to specify the number of cores you wish to reserve. This is done using the 'matlabpool('open', #)' command at the beginning of the file and ending the file with 'matlabpool('close')'.  If you only want to use one core then you can omit the 'matlabpool' commands from your file. 

Code Block
titleExample Matlab script: parafor-test.m






start = tic;


clear A


parfor i = 1:100000;


        A(i) = i;




stop = toc(start);



