Versions Compared


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The ANSYS suite of programs is available on both Helium & Neon. Neon is only running Ansys version 14.5, while Helium offers both Ansys version 12.1 and 14.5.

To use them, you will need to have access to a license server that will validate your right to use the software. The license servers are not run on Helium the HPC systems so please check with your department for more information. Once you know how to access your license server, run the license setup program on Heliumthe cluster system. This is a graphical program so you will have to have X11 forwarding enabled in your SSH session.


titleLicensing Servers

Note that if you are not part of the IIHR investor group (which is selected by default), you will need to obtain the proper licesnse license server information from your PI, and then export a variable before running the license manager. An example would look like: 

export ANSYSLMD_LICENSE_FILE=1055@<server> (where server is the hostname of the server your group should be using).


Next, depending on which Ansys version you want to use, run one of the following commands to open the License setup GUI: 

  • for Ansys v14.5: /opt/ansys-14.5/shared_files/licensing/lic_admin/anslic_admin
  • for Ansys v12.1: /opt/ansys_inc/shared_files/licensing/lic_admin/anslic_admin

 You will see a window that looks like this: 


Again note that if you are not part of IIHR, you should have License Manager environment variables specified in your job script like below – be sure you are referencing the correct Ansys version's path, depending on your needs (below example uses 14.5):  

Code Block
titleExample Ansys Job Script non-IIHR
#$ -N Job_name
#$ -cwd 
#$ -j y 
#$ -pe fluent 20
#$ -S /bin/bash 
#$ -l mf=2G 
export ANSYSLMD_LICENSE_FILE=1055@<server>
export LM_LICENSE_FILE=1055@<server>
/opt/ansys-14.5/v145/fluent/bin/fluent 3d -t$NSLOTS -g -cnf=$TMPDIR/machines -sge -pinfiniband -mpi=openmpi -i >File.out