Versions Compared


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HPC systemPVSC fileSupported Paraview versions
Argonargon-v7v8.pvsc5.4.0, 5.4.1, 5.9.1

You must download the paraview client binary of that same version. Paraview downloads are available at the Download | ParaView web page. 


On the next screen, click on Load Servers. Navigate to the pvsc file that you previously downloaded and load that file. The screen should then look similar to that below.

Select either the Parallel or Serial This screen will likely look different, depending on the server configs that you have already loaded. Select the "University of Iowa Argon" configuration and select Connect. There will be some options to select in the next screen and then Paraview will connect after pressing OK. The setup process takes a little while so be patient. If something goes wrong, a message box will provide information.
