In this page:
Note that installation of a Python/R/Julia package is a one-time process. You will not have to re-install it once you have installed it.
Installing Python Packages
Using Jupyter Notebook
In order to install Python packages in a notebook:
- Create a new notebook for Python by clicking the New drop-down menu at the top right corner and then choosing Python. Alternatively, you can open any of your existing notebooks for Python.
Write the following code in a new cell of the notebook and run it:
!pip3 install --upgrade PACKAGE_NAME
- Check if the package has been successfully installed.
Using the Terminal
In order to install Python packages from PyPI (Python Package Index) using pip
- Click the New drop-down menu at the top right corner and then choose Terminal.
In the new browser tab with terminal access, type the following command and press enter:
pip install --user PACKAGE_NAME_1, PACKAGE_NAME_2, ...
Make sure to add --user option, which allows you to install the package in your local environment. Not doing so will return a permission error.
- Check if the packages have been successfully installed.
- Close the tab.
Installing R Packages
Using RStudio
In order to install R packages from CRAN (Comprehensive R Archive Network) :
In the Console tab in RStudio, or in an R script file, type the following code and then run it:
install.packages(c("PACKAGE_NAME_1", "PACKAGE_NAME_2", ...), repos="")
- Check if the packages have been successfully installed.
Using Jupyter Notebook
In order to install R packages from CRAN (Comprehensive R Archive Network) :
- Create a new notebook for R by clicking the New drop-down menu at the top right corner and then choosing R. Alternatively, you can open any of your existing notebooks for R.
Write the following code in a new cell of the notebook and run it:
install.packages(c("PACKAGE_NAME_1", "PACKAGE_NAME_2", ...), repos="")
- Check if the packages have been successfully installed.
Installing Julia Packages
In order to install Julia packages using Pkg
- Create a new notebook for Julia by clicking the New drop-down menu at the top right corner and then choosing Julia. Alternatively, you can open any of your existing notebooks for Julia.
Write the following code in a new cell of the notebook and run it:
using Pkg Pkg.add(["PACKAGE_NAME_1", "PACKAGE_NAME_2", ...])
- Check if the packages have been successfully installed.