As of July 1st, 2016, files on the cluster-wide /nfsscratch filesystem are subject to deletion 60 days after they were created. Policy for node-specific /localscratch filesystems is independent of this. |
Each compute node has its own local scratch filesystem. Users may read from and write to this using their own exclusive directory at /localscratch/Users/<HawkID>.
In addition to local storage, the HPC cluster system has its own large, shared filesystem mounted across all its nodes via NFS. Analogously, users can read from and write to this using their own exclusive directory at /nfsscratch/Users/<HawkID>.
Scratch filesystems are a shared resource available for the convenience of all users. Therefore, files on these filesystems are subject to deletion after a certain lifespan as determined by the HPC policy committee. Home account storage and purchased storage are not subject to this policy.
On /localscratch, the allowed file lifespan is 30 days after the file was last accessed, where each file's age is the time elapsed since its access timestamp ("atime"). An automated cleanup process runs periodically on each node to delete files whose atime has reached the maximum lifespan.
If your job writes data to /localscratch, please retrieve everything you need and remove unneeded files as the last part of the job, because it's difficult to access that same compute node after a job exits! A compute node can become unavailable if its /localscratch filesystem becomes too full. If that happens, all files will be removed from /localscratch without considering lifespan in order to restore the compute node to service.
On /nfsscratch, the allowed file lifespan is 60 days after first being written filesystem, where each file's age is the time elapsed since its creation timestamp ("crtime") which is tracked on the fileserver. An automated cleanup process will run periodically on the server to delete files whose crtime has reached the maximum lifespan.
Altering or duplicating files solely to circumvent the scratch cleanup process is against policy. Please make legitimate use of scratch filesystems, then move your intermediate and final results to stable storage in accordance with policy. |
Please contact with any questions or for assistance with this.
ls -l file
ls -lc file
ls -lu file
All of these timestamps can be different for a single file. Most file and archive utilities will maintain the first 3 timestamps, either by default or optionally. This includes using archive mode ('-a') with either 'cp' or 'rsync'. However, note that no utility can affect a file's crtime at all over NFS.