Accessing IDAS for Class Use

Accessing IDAS for Class Use

In this page:

Logging in to Your Course Instance on IDAS

Once you receive an approval of your class use request, here is the process for accessing the system:

  1. Open any web browser. 

  2. Go to https://notebooks.hpc.uiowa.edu/

  3. Find your class on the list and click the link. 

  4. Log in using your HawkID and password.

  5. You will be asked to authenticate the login with Duo. More information about Duo can be found here.

  6. After logging in successfully, you will see your home directory on either JupyterLab or RStudio, depending on the programming tool used in your class.


Since IDAS is a shared resource, classroom sessions will be automatically closed after 2 hours of no activities. Once you finish your work with IDAS, please manually shut down your session, so that resources could be used by other IDAS users. Please follow the section "Restarting Your Server on IDAS" below, up to the step "Stop My Server", to shut down your session.

Restarting Your Server on IDAS

Occasionally you might need to restart your server on IDAS.

If your class uses JupyterLab

1. From the JupyterLab page, click "File" in the top left corner, then choose "Hub Control Panel":



2. You should be redirected to a new page with a red button "Stop My Server" and a blue button "My Server". 



3. Click “Stop My Server”. After a few seconds, the red button will disappear, and the blue button will turn into “Start My Server”.


4. Click "Start My Server" to start your server again.

If your class uses Jupyter Notebook or RStudio

1. Log in to your course instance on IDAS - https://notebooks.hpc.uiowa.edu/

2. Depending on the programming tool used in your course, the URL for your IDAS course instance might end with "user/uiowa_hawkid/tree" or "user/uiowa_hawkid/rstudio". 

3. Change "user/uiowa_hawkid/tree" or "user/uiowa_hawkid/rstudio" to "hub/home" and press Enter. 

For example, if the URL for your IDAS course instance is: 


Then change it to: 


4. You should be redirected to a new page with a red button "Stop My Server" and a blue button "My Server". 

5. Click “Stop My Server”. After a few seconds, the red button will disappear, and the blue button will turn into “Start My Server”.

6. Click "Start My Server" to start your server again.

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If you have any questions or comments, please contact research-computing@uiowa.edu.

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