Editing CSV Files on IDAS

Editing CSV Files on IDAS

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Editing CSV Files on IDAS

Starting on December 31, 2022, users will be able to create, open, and make basic edits to CSV files on IDAS. This is a new feature that will be added to IDAS during our maintenance on December 28-30, 2022.

1. Log in to IDAS from https://idas.uiowa.edu/

2. RStudio users may need to take an additional step to navigate to JupyterLab:

    a. If you use the "Research Interactive" instance on IDAS, access JupyterLab (please fill in your HawkID): https://idas.uiowa.edu/research/user/HAWKID/lab

    b. If you use one of the course instances on IDAS and your instructor chose RStudio as the default interface, you can change the end of the URL from "rstudio" to "lab", so that the URL follows the following format: https://notebooks.hpc.uiowa.edu/CLASS-NAME/user/HAWKID/lab/ 

3. To create a new (blank) CSV file, from the JupyterLab interface, click on the "CSV File" tile:

4. To open an existing CSV file, double-click on it from the left-side panel in Jupyter Lab:

5. In the CSV file, click on a cell and start entering a value to modify that cell. Press Enter to add a row. You also have access to several menu buttons. Here are their descriptions from the leftmost button to the rightmost button.

  • Insert a row at the end of the table
  • Remove the last row in the table
  • Insert a column at the end of the table
  • Remove the last column in the table
  • Show/hide row numbers - click on this button to toggle show/hide
  • Fit columns width
  • Freeze the initial columns
  • Unfreeze frozen columns
  • Make the first row the header row
  • Show/hide column types bar - click on this button to toggle show/hide

6. You can also access additional editing options by right-clicking on a cell:

7. Access additional editing options by selecting a column and right-clicking on the column header:

Additional Menu Options When Working with CSV Files

1. Click on a CSV file on the left-side panel:

2. In the JupyterLab menu, click File. From here, you have several options related to CSV files:

3. For example, double-click on the "untitled1.csv", then click File, and select New View for CSV File. This will open the "untitled1.csv" file in a separate tab next to the original tab:


If you have any questions or comments, please contact ITS - Research Services at research-computing@uiowa.edu.

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